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Healing Workshop – Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
From Friday 18 October 2024 -  04:00pm
To Sunday 20 October 2024 - 04:30pm
Hits : 1437
by rebecca

Healing Workshop – Shamanic Death, Rebirth and Transformation with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Join us for this extraordinary fully participatory event where you will consciously enter the cosmic cauldron of shamanic transformation to discover the deepest mysteries of the Black Goddess of creative inspiration and her incubation mysteries. These are the creation mysteries that revolve around birth, life, death and rebirth.

Within these mysteries are held the secrets on dying, death, rebirth and renewal that are the spirit essence of Black Goddess Shamanism. To participate in this very special event is to enter into the mysteries of life itself. 

To know how to magickally work with, and enter into the cosmic cauldron of shamanic transformation enables you to know how to:

  • Magickally Reset Your Life: Learn how to harness the potent energies of the cosmic cauldron to initiate powerful changes and realign your path with your purpose.
  • Take Charge of Your Destiny: Discover the tools and practices needed to consciously shape the next chapter of your life, embracing the power of choice and the power of creation.
  • Prepare for the Journey Beyond: Gain insight into the ancient wisdom of dying, death, rebirth, and renewal, empowering you to set yourself up for success not only in this life but in the lives to come.

To have this very sacred deeply hidden occult knowledge is to be master of your own destiny.

Spaces are very limited.

Visit: www.franchelle.com 

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